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Achieve your best Cricut designs with the Cricut Brayer and Remover Set. With these high quality tools, you'll be able to personalise fabric projects with a flawless finish. 

You'll be able to extend the life of your Cricut FabricGrip cutting mat, as well as achieve wonderful results every time. 

The applicator is designed to minimise wrinkling, kinks, bubbling and puckering of your material. You can use it to press down fabric, vinyl or iron-on, as well as inking blocks for print work. The tweezers included make it easy to lift excess material and fine threads from the mat without damaging the adhesive surface. 

  • Pack size: 17 x 26 cm (6.7 x 10.2 inches)
  • Includes brayer and remover
  • Extends life of Cricut FabricGrip mat 
  • Perfect for use with the Cricut Maker machine
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