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This Cricut Pressing Mat is the perfect companion to the Cricut Autopress, helping you achieve your best heat transfer results yet while protecting your surfaces. It can also be used with any other Cricut heat presses. 

The durable cover absorbs and distributes heat across the project. There is a special inner liner to wick moisture for clean, dry heat. The foil membrane reflects heat and prevents moisture vapor transfer. The silicone foam insulates and protects your surface from damaging heat. 

A non-slip silicone base seals the layers together and keeps your mat in place while you work.

  • Size: 2 x 41 x 34cm (0.8 x 16.1 x 13.4 inches) 
  • Non-slip silicone base
  • Durable cover
  • Wicks moisture
  • Reflects heat
  • Designed as a companion to the Cricut Autopress
  • Can be used with any Cricut heat press
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